Let’s share your story. Video brings a level of emotion and connection that cannot be reproduced in other mediums.

Historical Reenactment
A short video exploring the early governance of the Native Americans and Pilgrims in the 1600’s.

Captured 1614: Introduction
A short video introduction for the Plymouth 400 "Our" Story exhibit.

Captured 1614: Behind the Scenes
A sneak peak of some of the action that went on during one of the Plymouth 400 "Our" Story shoots.

Mashpee Nine Trailer
The Trailer from the Mashpee Nine Documentary that was featured at the 2017 Woods Hole Film Festival.

Powwow Exhibit Introduction
Introduction to the 2017 chapter of the Plymouth 400 "Our" Story exhibit chapter, Powwow, produced by StoryMotive

Ironic Short for Social Media
Designed to engage a younger audience in the history of our country.